Friday, September 18, 2009


The concept of culture has a components which interrelated and unified in order for all aspects to function effectively. These are the values, beliefs, norms or expressive symbols. Roughly norms are the way people behave in a given society, values are what they what they had clear, belief are e how they think. To speak of culture as one thing in relation to that society as another is to make an analytical distinction between two different aspects as human experience. One to think of the distinction is that culture designates the rational and often practical aspect the traditional humanities viewpoint is evaluates some culture and some cultural works better than others, believe culture has to do with perfection and it assumes that culture opposes the prevailing norms of the social order harmony between culture and Filipinos society.

On the other hand every culture has its own unique identity; the Filipino culture is no different. In fact, we have several, unique identities. Characteristics that are extremes and yet cohesively representative of who we are, and what we are. If that sounds serious, worry not for I have no intention of going further in that tone and ballistic with in-depth, high brow analysis. I am not one for nosebleeds and I think o are you. What this will be instead is a very informal look at some of the many contemporary quirks and fresh peculiarities of the Filipino culture.

One example of Filipino values concepts. These values are the values are basis of our judgment, of what we consider good, desirable and wrong. Just like we have more than a healthy respect for our elders, translating into a acknowledgment of, and respect of authority. On the negative side, such cultural influences have led to us often being complacent, as manifested in a devil-may-care (bahala na or mamaya na) attitude almost bordering on fatalism. But when Filipinos live in environment where there is no bending the rule of law and no shortcuts they thrive in the most laudable of ways. It also may include the Filipino family values which the family is the center of the social structure and includes the nuclear family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and honorary relations such as godparents, sponsors, and close family friends often called aunts and uncles though they are not. People get strength and stability from their family. As such, many children have several godparents, the more the better. It might concern for the extended family is seen in the patronage provided to family members when they seek employment. It is common for members of the same family to work for the same company, more likely than not. Jobs are hart to get and you can trust you relatives almost always. In fact, many collective bargaining agreements state that preferential hiring will be given to family members. And one’s attitude may also lead to success or fail. Like the Filipino concepts of shame were it is a motivating factor behind behavior. It is a sense of social propriety and conforming to societal norms of behavior. Filipinos believe they must live up to the accepted standards of behavior and if they fail to do so they bring shame not only upon themselves, but also upon their family. One indication of this might be a willingness to spend more than they can afford on a party rather than be shamed by their economic circumstances. If someone is publicly embarrassed, criticized, or does not live up to expectations, they feel shame and lose self-esteem.

When people heard about the belief, they think its takes about the superstitious belief- but these are just one form of belief. It embodies people perception of reality and may include the Filipino’s primitive ideas.

The culture of the Philippines reflects the complexity of the history of the Philippines through the blending of the culture of diverse indigenous civilizations with characteristics introduced via foreign influences. Filipinos are very hospitable and give appropriate respect to anybody regardless of race, culture and belief. These traits are generally positive but these practices also have the tendency to be applied in the wrong context. Close familial ties can also lead to nepotism. Pakikisama can lead to intolerance or even outright hostility of differences and of individual liberty.

In addition, the Filipino culture tradition takes place also t through symbols like saints. The Sinulog Festival is one example.It is one of the grandest, most distinguished and most colorful festivals in the Philippines. The major festival is held each year on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City to honor the Santo Niño, or the child Jesus, who used to be the patron saint of the whole province of Cebu (since in the Catholic faith Jesus is not a saint, but God). It is fundamentally a dance ritual which remembers the Filipino people's pagan past and their recognition of Christianity.

The festival features some the country's most colorful displays of ceremony and pageantry: participants clothe in bright-colored costumes dance to the rhythm of drums and native gongs. The streets are generally lined with vendors and pedestrians all wanting to witness the street-dancing. Smaller versions of the festival are also held in different parts of the province, also to celebrate and honor the Santo Niño. The cultural event has been commercialized as a tourist attraction and instead of traditional street-dancing from locals; Sinulog also came to mean a contest highlighting groups from various parts of the country. The celebration traditionally lasts for nine days, ending on the ninth day when the Sinulog Grand Parade.

In general this concept of culture is universal it observe the different culture in terms of behavior, beliefs, values and tradition among different Filipino culture. This refers to a collective of a person who share common social characteristics and patterns of behavior from one another. Yet as we look closely, we note feature and these are similarities in the general features and specific cultural traits of Filipino and also the diversity of Filipino culture.

1 comment:

  1. wow,,its really amazing culture there in the philippines hope to come there...soon
